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North Korea Gdp Per Capita 2022

North Korean Defense Expenditure: A National Priority

Defense Spending a Regime Priority

North Korean defense spending is a top priority for the regime. Between 2010 and 2020, military expenditures accounted for an estimated 20-30% of North Korea's GDP annually, reflecting the country's focus on maintaining a strong military force. This significant investment in defense underscores the regime's commitment to national security and its pursuit of nuclear and missile capabilities.

International Comparison

North Korea's defense spending compares to other countries in the following context:

  • North Korea's GDP per capita, which is estimated to be below $2,000 at current prices, is significantly lower than its neighbor South Korea, with a GDP per capita of around $30,000. This reflects the stark economic disparity between the two Koreas.
  • In 2022, South Korea's nominal gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to around 2,080 trillion South Korean won, while that of North Korea was approximately 362 trillion South Korean won. This disparity highlights the vast economic differences between the two nations.
  • North Korea's defense spending is a key aspect of its national security strategy and plays a significant role in its political and economic landscape.
